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Travel Photos: Acadia, Maine

To be honest, I've never really been a beach person. I'm happy to go for a few days every few years, but I prefer forests and mountains over the sand and surf. I may have found my perfect beach, though, in Maine. We spent a week just outside of Acadia National Park in September and it was so beautiful. Enjoy some photos from our adventures!

I definitely wasn't looking forward to driving from Pennsylvania to Maine with a nine-month-old who doesn't love being confined to a carseat, but Jack did surprisingly well. We left before dawn and took plenty of breaks along the way. Here's our little rest stop photo shoot...

Maine is beautiful in September. In fact, I'm sure it's beautiful all year round.

Picnic break and snuggle time

Exploring Sand Beach in Acadia

Hiking above Jordan Pond

Sunrise on Cadillac Mountain

Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse

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