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Motherhood Film Project: The 1st Three Months

A few months before Jack was born I started thinking about how to photograph my own child. I had a feeling it would be different than photographing clients, and I was afraid the pressure to get "good" digital photos would get to me and I wouldn't take nearly enough images of my little one. I decided to go back to shooting film, which is how I originally learned most of what I know about photography. Though I started experimenting with a camera before college, it wasn't until I started taking art classes and had to use black and white film that I really started to grow and develop as an artist.

For this project, I decided to shoot one roll of black and white film every month for the first year of Jack's life about my experience being his mother. The project has grown a bit since then, but I'll get to that in future months. Here are some of my favorite images from December, January, and February.

All images shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 with an Nikon N90s.

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