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Norristown Farm Park Engagement: Krystal & David

I often end up crying happy tears when I'm photographing weddings, but I couldn't even make it to Krystal and David's wedding before I started tearing up. This is one of those special couples where I've gotten to watch their whole relationship unfold - from the night we had them over before they were officially dating (though I totally called it after they left that night) to the late night text that they were engaged! Watching friends find love is such a joy.

I met up with Krystal and David at Norristown Farm Park, and we had such a fun time exploring. These two glow when they're together and I adore how they're always laughing. These two get married in a month and I'm so excited to celebrate with them.

Krystal and David, I love your infectious joy and can't wait to be a part of the beautiful, God-honoring wedding that you plan.

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