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Allaire State Park Engagement: Ashley & Cameron

You may remember that I photographed Breanna & Andrew's engagement and wedding last year in Belmar, New Jersey. I had such a blast with those two, so I was thrilled when Breanna's sister, Ashley, contacted me because she's engaged! We met up for their engagement session on a chilly, but snow-less, day a few weeks ago and I loved getting to know these two. They're so sweet - they clearly love being together and they even laughed at my jokes! And they were set up by a family member, which I love because that's how Andy and I met!

Ashley & Cameron - enjoy this time as you prepare for your wedding. Being married is *awesome* and I'm sure you're going to rock it!

Allaire State Park in New Jersey is such a lovely place to shoot. We started in the historic village, but then ventured out into the woods, and it was so beautiful! If you're ever in central Jersey, I would definitely recommend checking out Allaire.

Aren't these mugs cute?! Can you tell where these two lovebirds are heading on their honeymoon?


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